15  Remove String Spaces

8kyu Tantangan #15/366 - 29 Feb 2024


15.1 Instruction

Write a function that removes the spaces from the string, then return the resultant string.


Input -> Output
"8 j 8   mBliB8g  imjB8B8  jl  B" -> "8j8mBliB8gimjB8B8jlB"
"8 8 Bi fk8h B 8 BB8B B B  B888 c hl8 BhB fd" -> "88Bifk8hB8BB8BBBB888chl8BhBfd"
"8aaaaa dddd r     " -> "8aaaaaddddr"

15.2 YouTube Video

15.3 Solution Code

no_space <- function(x){
  gsub(" ", "", x)

15.4 Test


test_that('Basic tests', {
  expect_equal(no_space('8 j 8   mBliB8g  imjB8B8  jl  B'), '8j8mBliB8gimjB8B8jlB')
  expect_equal(no_space('8 8 Bi fk8h B 8 BB8B B B  B888 c hl8 BhB fd'), '88Bifk8hB8BB8BBBB888chl8BhBfd')
  expect_equal(no_space('8aaaaa dddd r     '), '8aaaaaddddr')
  expect_equal(no_space('jfBm  gk lf8hg  88lbe8 '), 'jfBmgklf8hg88lbe8') 
  expect_equal(no_space('8j aam'), '8jaam')
Test passed 🥇

15.5 Supported by

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